Non Stop Laughs In Chatham Kent
Kent Comedy Club fans laughed the roof of the Chatham Bridgewood Manor Hotel on Friday evening. With a line –up featuring top TV comedians, we always knew this would potentially happen!
Our host comedian for the evening was Tim Clark. Tim was most recently featured on TV as the host of the classic game show ‘Give Us A
Clue’.Comedian Tim Clark has also appeared on many TV comedy panel shows during his long established career. Tim’s gentle delivery of material let the audience sit back and enjoy his 15 minutes at the top of the show, which left them waiting for more!
It was long before comedian Tim Clark welcomed another TV comedian to the stage , Mark Dolan. From the outset it was clear to see the show room recognised Mark from Channel 4’s Balls of Steel programme. Most recently Mark filmed a series of for Channel 4, called Taxi Gags, which features the cream of UK comedy telling gags in the back of a London taxi! Dolan was having a great time on stage, delivering a 30 minute set to the comedy hungry Kent fans! As he left the stage the audience showed their huge appreciation , showing what a fantastic act he is.
After the interval host comedian Tim Clark presented the joke competition before bringing on our headline act David Jordan. David has really made a name for himself over the past few months, headlining a lot of our large comedy Club venues. With his guitar in hand, David bounced onto the stage and you just knew the audience were in for a treat!
David did not fail to deliver 30 minutes of gag filled silly songs, with great linking material, which the audience soaked up in abundance.
After the show host comedian Tim Clark quoted ‘ What a lovely evening that was. It looked to me everyone really enjoyed the evening.