Martin is a gag artist, but not your run of the mill stand up comedian. He amuses and amazes with extraordinary use of everyday objects including U-bends, head gaskets and electronic drills.His unique style evokes genuine mirth and delight exercising all the laughter muscles from the belly, chest, throat and most prevailingly the head sending any audience away with a store of comic images which keeps them guffawing well into the middle of next week. A teenager Proffessor of Punch and Judy to an adolescent Mr Lunniverse. A young Time Out award winner and now middleaged Perrier Award winner nomminee. Martin discards his accolades and defies definition as anything else other than A master of Prop Comedy, Tommy Cooper on Acid ....His television appearances include:

Chris Tarrants OTT, Game for a Laugh, Black Adder, Cilla Black's Surprise! Surprise! Jools Holland's The Tube, David Frost Breakfast Telly and Johnathen Ross' Last Resort.


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