"One to watch" - Edinburgh Evening News

The Rhod Gilbert Show (BBC Wales), New Comedian of the Year Award (BBC Radio 4 Extra), The Comedy Club (BBC Radio 4 Extra), What’s The Story (BBC Wales), Newsbeat (BBC Radio 1) The Lateish Show with Mo Gilligan

Jenny moved from the Welsh mountains to the Big Smoke and embarked upon a career in stand-up comedy. Highlight: Appearing on a BBC Radio Wales panel show with Jo Brand. Low point: After a gig, an audience member saying 'You should be a stripper' (Both secretly highlights). She has written for BBC Radio 4's The News Quiz, Huffington Post and Glamour Magazine and has travelled (parts of) the world with her comedy. She has performed in Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland and Australia where she won the Percy Award for most tickets sold in 'The Imaginarium', (over 1900 tickets) during the Adelaide Fringe.


BBC 2 - The Rhod Gilbert Show | BBC Radio 4 Extra - ‘New Comedian of the Year Award’ | BBC - Newsbeat | ITV - The Lateish Show with Mo Gilligan

Testimonials of Jenny Collier


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